The Hollies Center for Sustainability

Institution - Communauté - FondationFormation - Éducation - Sensibilisation

Adresse : Enniskeane, Cork County, Ireland (voir sur une carte)

Alimentation, Agriculture, Matériaux, Habitat

The Hollies is a centre for learning in practical aspects of Sustainable Living Skills at Castletown Kinneagh, Enniskeane, West Cork.

For over twenty years we have been creating and developing several examples of this including cob and timber frame buildings, food gardens, dry sanitation systems and alternative land management.

Our aims and objectives are to learn and communicate about our ongoing work, including examples of promoting biodiversity and sustainable woodland use.

We offer training courses (see our course program) and are available for working with groups, schools and individuals using our gardens, woodland, wetland and buildings to inspire, inform and educate.

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