Foundation for Sustainable Technologies

Formation - Éducation - Sensibilisation

Adresse : 10776 Kathmandu, Nepal (voir sur une carte)

Énergie, Alimentation, Eau, Déchets

The Foundation for Sustainable Technology (FoST) is a non-profit organization established in 2002 with a goal of promoting sustainable solutions of ever-growing energy and environmental crises in Nepal. FoST is dedicated to developing efficient and cost effective renewable and alternative energy technologies as well as providing training to the rural and urban communities to meet their household energy needs. FoST has produced numerous designs and models of fire wood efficient stoves, fuel briquettes, solar cookers, solar dryers, heat retaining devices and many more. Since 2012, FoST has introduced biochar making technology using all sorts of green wastes by designing and developing biochar cooking stoves for multiple applications while cooking. Over the past decade, FoST has trained hundreds of farmers and students on the theory and practice of solar cooking, solar drying, using efficient cooking stoves, fuel briquettes making from biomass wastes as well as biochar making from farm and forest wastes for soil improvement.

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