Low tech - high tech: which socio-technical solutions for energy transition?

Du 26/06/2023 à 00h au 07/07/2023 à 19h15
Campus de la Transition, 2 rue de Salins, Forges et Observatoire du SIRTA; École Polytechnique, Palaiseau

This Summer School organized by the interdisciplinary Energy4Climate
Center and the Campus de la Transition explores the interactions between
technology and the energy transition from an interdisciplinary point of
view. Activities emphasize the dialog between various approaches and
practices, moving beyond the opposition between techno-optimistic views
and low-tech perspectives.
The 2023 Summer School will take place from June 26th to July 7th.
Objectives: Question the role of techniques in the energy transition,
develop interdisciplinary perspectives on controversial energy issues
and reflect on your role and engagement as a scientist.
To achieve these goals you will: participate in interdisciplinary
debates on technologies, learn to map controversies, discuss your
research with your peers and design narratives for a sustainable future.

Ouvert uniquement aux doctorants et post-doctorants, indifféremment de la discipline.

Organisateur : Campus de la Transition et Energy4Climate Center
Accès : Gratuit, Audience spécifique

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