Transition: a festival around low-tech and sufficiency

Festival, Exposition, Atelier, Conférence, Evenement
Le 09/09/2023 de 09h à 23h59
Herentalsebaan 502-504

Festivities can also be held for serious things, to prepare for turning-point times, for instance. At the Transition Festival, we give a well-deserved place to relevant, often hidden individuals and organisations who - in their fields of expertise and interest - are convinced of the power of connection and acting. There will be workshops, installations, presentations,… around low-tech, sustainability, resource and awareness raising.

Organisateur : Vuurwerking
Intervenant•e•s : Kris De Decker (, Steven Vromman (, Kurijn Buys (, many more.
Accès : Gratuit

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