Experimental Network Autonomy (ENA)

R&D - PrototypeFormation - Éducation - Sensibilisation

Adresse : Handbaalstraat, 10, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (voir sur une carte)

Énergie, Alimentation, Eau, Déchets, Habitat

Experimental Network Autonomy (ENA) is an experiment in living and working off grid an urban setting. Our idea is to build a local production system and ecosystem that is able to thrive, parallel to the existing capitalist mode of production. On a local level, with a small group of dedicated people, we can make a real difference for ourselves, and for our surroundings. We have developed a manual to describe our theoretical principles and the technical solutions we use to achieve our way of living. In this way, we are sharing our designs in an open-source manner so that other communities can experiment with and test our methods.

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