Green Gorillas Spain

Formation - Éducation - Sensibilisation

Adresse : Algaida, Espagne (voir sur une carte)

Énergie, Alimentation, Eau, Déchets, Agriculture, Matériaux, Santé, Outils, Habitat

We are a roaming band of Gorillas, hosting workshops in Mallorca, Spain and in Dordogne, France. We are Howard, Eva, Dorus and Vanessa and we are Green Gorillas with a dream! We want to bring sustainable and regenerative living to you through a practical learning experience of simple transferable principles.

Teaching an intensive 2 week Tiny House Build & 2 week Off Grid Workshop:

  • Tiny House Building:
    Learn to use tools, build with wood, work with recycled building materials, the design for off grid transportable tiny living, and complete a Tiny House with electrics, water system & passive cooling and heating.

Vegan plant-based lunch included.

  • Off Grid:
    Learn the systems to become completely Off Grid, including compost toilets, solar energy, solar hot water, Rocket Stoves & thermal mass heaters, rainwater harvesting, bio construction (see our Tiny Wooden Home), composting & Permaculture, grow your own food, environmental impact of food & plant-based cooking, tree planting & Bio char.

Get off the grid - Tasty vegan food - Practise your English

Book Two Weeks (550€) or One Day Workshops (50€)
Workshops are conducted in English.

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