The Green Campus / Vankuva school / Mr. Deepak Gadhia

Training - Education - Awareness

Address: Muni Seva Ashram, Goraj, Ta. Waghodia, 391760 Vadodara Dist, India (view on a map)

Energy, Food, Farming

The Green Campus at Vankuva is a 120-acre farm featuring timber plantations, fruit orchards, and farming land for food and fodder. A wide range of scientific methods are used to make compost with the biomass generated at the farm, including windrow composting, NADEP, biogas slurry, and pit-composting.

As the Vankuva School is residential, daily meals and lodging are provided for all students. To prepare food, organic agricultural techniques are faithfully used with minimal use of mechanical farming means. Specifically, there are no chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides used on the farm. In addition, intercropping and crop rotation is routinely used to revitalize the soil, and water harvesting is employed to maintain the water table at its natural level. The campus features a solar and wood gasifier to reduce cooking-related wood consumption and carbon emissions, and a drip irrigation system to conserve water usage. After cooking is complete, organic waste from the kitchens at Vankuva is reused to generate gas and manure.

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