Mikulici Nature Park / Marko Bradvica

Training - Education - AwarenessInstitution - Communauté - Fondation

Address: 20218 Mikulići, Croatia (view on a map)

Energy, Farming, Housing, Mobility

A park designed by Marko to host passing travellers, whether on Warmshowers, Couchsurfing, Woofers.
Mikulici Nature Park is a real life platform for intercultural and intergenerational exchange of ideas and experiences. It is a space for your social and ecological projects to form and grow. It is as well a shelter for eco-friendly bicycle travellers. It is also a place to learn about and learn from Balcan village life. And last but not least it is Marko’s home.

Add your input to improve collaborative tools

For several years now, the Low-tech Lab community has observed and collected low-tech initiatives: events, databases and maps, documentary resources… it’s all here.

We encourage you to use them, and above all, to contribute because their are collaborative and open to all !

Support the Low-tech Lab


The Low-tech Lab is a French non-profit general interest organisation. You can support it by making a donation.

Become a partner

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