[TEAM] Solène de Jacquelot, communications manager


Publication date: February 7, 2022
Author: Solène de Jacquelot
Location: Concarneau

Who is behind the Low-tech Lab ? #

The Low-tech Lab is : a boat, a tiny, tutorials… But it’s also people who are working every day to explore, document, transmit and raise awareness about low-tech. Who is behind the wiki, the surveys, the community animation or the social networks ? It’s time to reveal them !

Solène de Jacquelot © Marguerite Le Cointre

Entrepreneur and communicator #

Born and bred in Brittany, Solène has been working all over the world, alongside ocean racing skippers, in communication and events. While still a business school student at Audencia Nantes, it was out of the question for her to spend her experience and internships in an office, behind a computer : it was the field or nothing. This is how she embarked on professional sailing events, first as a press officer, then as a content coordinator and finally as a communication officer. In 2013, she created her own communication agency ENELOS. Company manager / consultant / communication director / community manager … the roles and experiences accumulate. Ten years pass to accompany the most exciting sailing races: Volvo Ocean Race, Vendée Globe, Route du Rhum, America’s Cup …

But there comes a time when reconciling family life with a professional life of travel becomes difficult. With the desire to take a break and also to invest in projects that are close to her heart, Solène turns to La Colloc. At the origin with 4 other freelancers of this collective in 2014, La Colloc has since taken off to become a collaborative workspace at the forefront of new work modes in the Lorient area. It is in this context, while accompanying the Low-tech Lab on an audit of its structure, that the first contact with Corentin and his teams is made.

One year later, in December 2019, Solène joined the Low-tech Lab as a communication manager to bring coherence to the messages and brand identity of the association, which is growing a little more each year. She continues to juggle roles, but it is now the role of mom that occupies a good part of her time !

© Vincent Curutchet

The communication mission at the Low-tech Lab #

What do you do in the association ?

I am what we call “the trans” of the association. That is to say that my action is transversal to all the projects or programs that Low-tech Lab leads. As a communication officer, everything related to the visibility and external public relations of the association goes through my mill at some point : press relations, event solicitations, social networks and all editorial content, photos or videos of the website, partner relations … Fortunately, I am not alone. I work with Guénolé in order not to make mistakes on the technical speeches. I also have the occasional support of civic services for the missions of awareness on exhibitions (hey Sandra), on the animation of digital community (hello Lucile), on the event (hola Antoine).

Low-tech Lab hello ! © Yvan Zedda

Low-tech and you? #

Before joining the association, I was mainly focused on the zero waste approach, composting and local and reasonable consumption. Today, I integrate techniques in my daily life: sprouted seeds, the pantry, lacto-fermentation, preserves, more gentle mobility, everything that can reduce electricity consumption … and above all, I got into the habit of questioning my purchases in order to distinguish between need and desire ! Does the BISOU method speak to you ?

Add your input to improve collaborative tools

For several years now, the Low-tech Lab community has observed and collected low-tech initiatives: events, databases and maps, documentary resources… it’s all here.

We encourage you to use them, and above all, to contribute because their are collaborative and open to all !

Support the Low-tech Lab


The Low-tech Lab is a French non-profit general interest organisation. You can support it by making a donation.

Become a partner

Do you want to support the Low-tech Lab actively and take part in the low-tech movement?


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