[NOMADE DES MERS] What if we turned plastic into fuel ?

Carnet de bord

Date of publication : November 13, 2018
Author : Corentin De Chatelperron
Localisation : Sri Lanka


In episode #12 of the series Nomade des Mers, les escales de l’innovation, we head to Sri Lanka, with Corentin, Amandine, Jeanne, videographer, and Johnny, a friend from Auroville who could not resist the temptation to come on board with us!

5th country to dump plastic in the oceans, Sri Lanka also has on its land Professor Rohan Edirisooriya, researcher at the University of Ruhuna. He is working on a pyrolysis system to transform plastic into fuel. The ambition? To propose recycling units on a local scale. Back in pictures.

Thanks to the Building A Future Foundation for hosting us in its workshops, to the University Of Ruhuna and to the City of Galle !


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