DIY enthusiast, designer, engineer, journalist, teacher and so on, with 3 motivated people or 15 committed actors, join the Low-tech Lab’s Community Program to contribute to the emergence of low-tech projects in your area!

Who’s it for? For those who want to take an active part in the development of low-tech in their area!
Led by: Kévin Loesle
A global network for an approach anchored in the territories
Because in the low-tech approach, it is essential to connect to local needs and resources available on its territory, the diffusion could not be only immaterial.
The local Low-tech Labs began their emergence in 2019 from the desire of local groups to get together to spread low-tech.
Today, nearly 30 groups around the world participate in the network of local Low-tech Labs coordinated by the association. The local Low-tech Labs contribute to bringing the low-tech philosophy to life locally through awareness-raising activities, workshops and training. The Low-tech Lab provides them with tools and “commons” (exhibition, mediation posters…)
Maker, designer, engineer, communicators, … at 3, 10 or 50 motivated people, join the Low-tech Lab’s Community Program to contribute to the emergence of low-tech projects on your territory!
Initiate the creation of a Low-tech Lab community near you!
You share the Low-tech Lab’s vision and want to contribute to its mission? You are a collective of individuals or a general interest association? You want to set up a low-tech project in your area? You can join the Low-tech Lab adventure!
Building workshops, awareness events, conferences, booths, inventory and documentation, optimization of solutions, contribution to local projects … Whatever your desires, availability, skills, the Low-tech Lab coordinator and other communities will share their tools and experiences to accompany you on the path of low-tech and help you develop your project!
Local communities
Low-tech Communities are NGO acting around low-tech. We share values and a collaborative spirit with them. Whether they call themselves Low-tech Lab or not, the communities below are working to spread low-tech locally. Feel free to contact them!France

Reunion Island






